Monday, November 8, 2010

So is it Tibs or Thibs?

15 games into the season and the Bulls sit atop the Central Division in the Eastern Conference.....I mean, really, are we suprised? Some may say yes, but true Bulls fans that have watched them play, say no. So what is the reasoning behind there great start without their biggest free agent signing in years sitting on the bench in Carlos Boozer? I think I have an answer, and the answer is Coach Tom Thibodeau. The former Asst.Coach in Boston for the past three years has come to Chicago with a bang. He said he was going to bring a defensive/rebounding mentality to the team, and he has done just that. The Bulls are holding teams to an average of 98.5 pts a game, while averaging 101.5 pts a game for themselves. The season started off a little rocky, and at one point the Bulls fell to 2-3, but it was too early to get worried. It's still too early to really get excited but I know I am. The Bulls are 9-6 through 15 games this year, going 4-3 on the circus road trip grabbing the first winning record on the trip since 1997. It can't be a joke either, because the Bulls arguably have one of the toughest opening schedules in the NBA, and they've handled it very well. With big wins at Houston, and Dallas, and huge comeback wins at Phoenix and Scaremento, you learn quickly this team has NO QUIT, and all of these guys WANT TO WIN. But behind it all is Coach Thibs. You can hear him on the sideline while the game's going on screaming direction both offensively and defensively to the team. Is it because they dont know the defense or offense? Not at all, its just a re-enforecent of him doing his job, and making sure everyone on the floor is doing their's. Before the season started, I had made a quick prediction of Coach Tom Thibiodeau having a great chance to win Coach of the Year, but that was only IF he could keep Derrick Rose' stock rising, and if he could somehow get this team to play defense, because Vinny couldn't. He has done both of those things so far, and the future is only looking brighter for the young but talented Bulls squad. Carlos Boozer is expected to be back this weekend at the latest, and when he is inserted into the starting PF position, that will mean bringing Taj Gibson, who by NBA standards could start on ANY team, off the bench. This will add extreme depth to an already deep team. The Bulls are if not the best, one of the best REBOUNDING teams in the league, and that will only continue, and possibly rise with the return of Boozer. All I know, is Tom Thibs is impressing people, not that they didn't know it would happen. Doc Rivers' has been quoted saying Thibodeau could've easily challenged him for the Head Coaching position in Boston if he hadn't been there already. So Thibodeau, you've done a great job so far, let's keep the intensity up! GO BULLS.