Saturday, August 7, 2010

Evolution of a killer

The 2006/2007 NBA season saw the Chicago Bulls come one win shy of 50. Many saw the stock of the Bulls going up after a 49-33 win season. Chicago managed to sweep a bad Heat team in the first round. While they lost to a good Detroit team 4-2 in the ensuing Conference Semifinals. Loul Deng was hailed as the next NBA superstar.

That summer Bulls fans would catch Kobe-fever. Rumors were rampant that Kobe wanted to be a Bull, but only under the condition Deng remained in Chicago. This situation continued into the early 2007/2008 season. reported on November 1st that Kobe vetoed a three team deal between the Bulls, Lakers, and Kings because of Deng's involvement. This trade would have been a franchise changer, and altered the NBA landscape. A season of turmoil resulted in a disappointing 33-49 season. The Bulls stock went from going up to crashing down. Recent top draft picks Tyrus Thomas and Joakim Noah seemed like bust, and Deng never blossomed into a superstar.

Nearly half the NBA, 14 of 30 teams, get to participate in the lottery. Armed with the 9th worst record, the Bulls figured to land a top 10 first round pick. May 20th, 2008 changed everything. The Bulls unexpectedly found themselves in the final three. Your representative says a lot about your expected pick. Standing there for the Bulls in the final three was EVP-Business Operations Steve Schanwald. Somehow, someway, with a 1.7% chance the Bulls must have blackmailed lady luck, and won the lottery.

Not everyone wanted the Bulls to pick Derrick Rose. I'd imagine you'd be hard pressed to find writers that would admit "I was the guy that said take Michael Beasley." but thankfully the Bulls got it right.

It was evident right away the talent Rose possessed. The biggest complaint about the eventual rookie of the year was his willingness to give up the ball. Ben Gordon wound up taking big shot after big shot, and Rose never complained. The Bulls knew they had to take a step backwards before they could take a step forward. They did the unpopular thing and let Big Ben walk.

Early on due to injury in his sophmore season, Derrick Rose struggled. People were worried about his development. In Decemember almost-Bull Kobe Bryant was quoted as saying "Just do it." in reference to Rose and his struggles. Health would eventually find Derrick and the light would go on. Talk shifted from Noah to Rose for who'd likely make the All-Star team as a Bull. Rose eventually received the well earned honor.

It was Roses' emergence that got people buzzing about the Bulls. Suddenly they were just a superstar away from being a championship contender. This would result in the Salmons trade at the trade deadline to clear up cap space. No matter how well he played or how many big shoots he took. The mantra that Rose couldn't be the best player on a championship team never went away. This perception was especially fueled by his low key demeanor.

While his defense remained suspect. He'd come a long way from a college kid at Memphis who ate mostly junk food, gummy bears was his candy of choice, to the gym rat he is now. Lets not forget when it came playoff time Rose continued to impress. While the Bulls eventually lost to the Cavs, they had no answers for Rose. Even when they had LeBron guard him the whole game, Rose wasn't shutdown.

Despite all this people still doubted Rose had the killer within. While everyone was concerned about the Bulls clearing cap space. Rose stayed quietly in the background. He was interviewd by in June. They asked him about getting LeBron and Bosh. His response? "Just give me one of those players and I'll be all right". He wasn't gushing about the chance to play with superstars. He said "give me" one of them. That doesn't sound like anybody's Robin.

Before LeBron decided to take his talents to South Beach. There were reports Rose didn't want LeBron in Chicago. Word has it that while he texted James, Rose never reached out to beg him to come. Most upper management had their stars reach out to James. Apparently no one sent Rose a memo. According to Rose if James wanted to talk he could have just called him. As Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports put it: James needed to be courted, needed to be wooed and apparently it surprised him there was a star who wasn’t falling over himself to do that.

When the dust settled and "The Decision" was made. You didn't hear anyone on the Bulls crying. They were happy with the additions of Boozer, Korver, and Brewer. More importantly Rose showed you the killer growing within.

"I want to be that guy," Rose said Tuesday in an interview with before the start of Team USA's training camp. "I want to be the reason why the Bulls are back to what they were [during the Michael Jordan era]."

"Why wouldn't I want to be [the face of the franchise]?" Rose asked. "That's the point of playing the game. That's the greatest thing right now.

"I came to a team where they didn't make the playoffs, not for a couple of years. No one was really interested in the Bulls like that in Chicago, not like [it was during the Jordan era]. And I'm making it back [to being] exciting. I'm from Chicago, [and] it would mean a lot if I would just bring back one championship there, or even get past the first round. The city would go crazy. So for me to even bring that team back to like the old days, it would mean so much to this city."

Boastful isn't a word used to describe Derrick Rose often. Earlier this offseason he did talk up the expansion of his game. "It's there; I have a consistent 3-point shot now," Rose said. "You'll see. I just have so much confidence in my jump shot now. It's coming along so good. It's past even my expectations at this point."

Rose is a guy who likes being coached. He's one of the few players who listened to Vinny Del Negro. All indications are that Rose is greatly improving on defense. He's spending lots of time with new head coach Tom Thibodeau. Being the more complete player should give him a huge edge over Rondo for a spot on Team USA.

All of that doesn't matter if Rose can't become the superstar this team needs. Had someone like LeBron James come to Chicago, we'd still be asking that of Rose. Especially with LeBron because he's proven he doesn't want the ball. Analyze what Charles Barkley says about LeBron James, which in my opinion is 100% accurate.

"Let me just tell you this," Barkley said. "Mike and I are in 100 percent agreement on this. If you're the two-time defending NBA MVP, you don't leave anywhere. They come to you. That's ridiculous.

"I like LeBron. He's a great player. But I don't think in the history of sports you can find a two-time defending MVP leaving to go play with other people."

Now compare that with what Derrick Rose said about possibly leaving Chicago.

"I'm never [leaving]," he said, before punctuating that statement a few seconds later. "Never."

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a man who can be the best player on a championship team.