Saturday, June 26, 2010

World Wide Wes

William "World Wide Wes" Wesley put in his two cents about the Lebron James free agency saga. Luckily for Chicago Bulls fans, Wesley's two cents are worth a lot since he is considered to be the most influential person in the NBA. The man behind everything in the basketball world said in a quote Friday, "He's up out of there(Cleveland)" saying that all of Lebron's inner circle already knows the decision. The Yahoo article also said, "We're going to Chicago, and Chris Bosh is coming to." It's all a possibility, due to the trade of Kirk Hinrich the Bulls have two max contracts to offer so in a perfect world, James and Bosh will be calling Chicago home in about a week and a half. In the end, unfortunately, only one person knows what #23 (uh make that #6) will be doing next year. In the meantime, tune in to A Case of the Mondays on for all your Lebron Watch updates. Every Monday from 11am to 1 pm!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Captain Kirk to the Wizards!

Kirk Hinrich and the 2010 17th overall pick were dealt for what's rumored to be a future 2nd round pick. As long as the Bulls play their cards right, it could go down as one of the best trades in franchise history. Remember coming into the 2009/10 season when we were all worried that we couldn't afford one max free agent? Exporting Salmons mid-season began the dream. Now the Bulls have positioned themselves to go after not one, but two free agents from the dream class.

While LeBron is the prize--even if the Bulls wound up with lets say a Chris Bosh and Joe Johnson. That's a better team than either of them plus Hinrich, but let's not kid ourselves. We want LeBron and he should want us. Wherever he decides to go he'll be paid well, but he needs rings to secure his legacy. The one thing teams like New York and Miami had over Chicago was more cap space. They could sign LeBron and another free agent of his choosing. Would that be enough to win it all? Previously the Bulls could counter pitch that with having a great core in place, and being closer to a championship.

While the Bulls were the smart option before. Now they have to be the only choice. Who knows? Maybe the Bulls aren't done. The rumored Deng to the Magic deal doesn't seem to be picking up steam. I'd still like to see that contract moved. Bottom line it's a great day for Bulls fans. It seems like it's only a matter of time before the King arrives.