Friday, December 10, 2010


WE GO LIVE ON-AIR IN 30 MINUTES GUYS/GALS! CATCH US ON and just click the LISTEN LIVE link to listen to the Sports Brunch w/ Zach Withers, Sean Smith, Ryan Finnerty, and Juan Vargas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Boozer has ARRIVED.

Well, Well, Well, coming into the season, along with all other Chicago Bulls fans, I was extremely excited to have a low post presence finally in Carlos Boozer. Than he had some freak accident, breaking his hand tripping over a gym bag, which I'm still scepticle about. As he rode the bench in his suit and shiny watches, he was easily the most energized player that wasn't in the game, at the game. Which was one good sign. The Bulls had no need to rush him back, as Derrick Rose continually led the Chicago Bulls to come from behind victories night after night. When he was ready to come back, Chicago fans were ready to see it.

Now, me, being an NBA fanatic that I am, knew it would take a few games for this team to gel with him in the lineup, and in his debut against the Magic, we saw that. The Bulls got murdered by Orlando, who refused to miss shots, especially from beyond the arc. Boozer ended the game playing 22 minutes, having 5 points, and grabbed 2 rebounds. It was far from what Chicago fans imagined it'd be, but you knew it could only get better. Booz looked lost in the offense and didn't know who to help on defense creating easy baskets in back to back games for the opposition being both Orlando and Boston. His 2nd game was better, and you could tell he was out there learning while playing, but quickly picking up what the Bulls wanted to do. Every game while Boozer has been back, his stats have been better each game, and you can tell he's getting back into "game shape".

Carlos Boozer's games have broken down like this:
Game 1 (vs Orlando) 22minutes, 2-5 from the field, 5 points, 2 rebounds
Game 2 (@ Boston) 21minutes, 4-10 from the field, 12 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals
Game 3 (vs Houston) 30minutes, 9-15 from the field, 25 points, 9 rebounds, 1 block
Game 4 (vs OKC) 36minutes, 13-21 from the field, 29 points, 12 rebounds, 1 steal

So as you can see each game Boozer has started, his presence in the game has been rising higher and higher. The big thing with the acquisition of Boozer in the lineup is, he gives the Bulls a very reliable low post scorer which the Bulls have been without for years, almost decades. He's showed flashy post moves, as well as showing us a solid jumper from about 13-18 feet which also adds to having him in the lineup. His classy fadeaway jumper has been seen a few times already, and with him being more comfortable on the floor, I'm sure we'll see more to come.

Get ready Chicago, its time. The Bulls team we have often longed for is finally here and becoming more of a force in the East daily. The huge thing we need to do is beat the Eastern Conference's best to be seen as one of the Elite teams in the East. We need to beat teams like Boston, Orlando, and Miami. We need to show not only the league, but the world that this team, unlike a lot of Chicago sports teams, are NOT a joke........GO BULLS.

Monday, November 8, 2010

So is it Tibs or Thibs?

15 games into the season and the Bulls sit atop the Central Division in the Eastern Conference.....I mean, really, are we suprised? Some may say yes, but true Bulls fans that have watched them play, say no. So what is the reasoning behind there great start without their biggest free agent signing in years sitting on the bench in Carlos Boozer? I think I have an answer, and the answer is Coach Tom Thibodeau. The former Asst.Coach in Boston for the past three years has come to Chicago with a bang. He said he was going to bring a defensive/rebounding mentality to the team, and he has done just that. The Bulls are holding teams to an average of 98.5 pts a game, while averaging 101.5 pts a game for themselves. The season started off a little rocky, and at one point the Bulls fell to 2-3, but it was too early to get worried. It's still too early to really get excited but I know I am. The Bulls are 9-6 through 15 games this year, going 4-3 on the circus road trip grabbing the first winning record on the trip since 1997. It can't be a joke either, because the Bulls arguably have one of the toughest opening schedules in the NBA, and they've handled it very well. With big wins at Houston, and Dallas, and huge comeback wins at Phoenix and Scaremento, you learn quickly this team has NO QUIT, and all of these guys WANT TO WIN. But behind it all is Coach Thibs. You can hear him on the sideline while the game's going on screaming direction both offensively and defensively to the team. Is it because they dont know the defense or offense? Not at all, its just a re-enforecent of him doing his job, and making sure everyone on the floor is doing their's. Before the season started, I had made a quick prediction of Coach Tom Thibiodeau having a great chance to win Coach of the Year, but that was only IF he could keep Derrick Rose' stock rising, and if he could somehow get this team to play defense, because Vinny couldn't. He has done both of those things so far, and the future is only looking brighter for the young but talented Bulls squad. Carlos Boozer is expected to be back this weekend at the latest, and when he is inserted into the starting PF position, that will mean bringing Taj Gibson, who by NBA standards could start on ANY team, off the bench. This will add extreme depth to an already deep team. The Bulls are if not the best, one of the best REBOUNDING teams in the league, and that will only continue, and possibly rise with the return of Boozer. All I know, is Tom Thibs is impressing people, not that they didn't know it would happen. Doc Rivers' has been quoted saying Thibodeau could've easily challenged him for the Head Coaching position in Boston if he hadn't been there already. So Thibodeau, you've done a great job so far, let's keep the intensity up! GO BULLS.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bases Loaded... Again?

We tried, but didn't hit a grand slam. Those were John Paxson's feelings on the offseason pursuit of the big three. Rarely in the NBA when you whiff on a franchise altering move does another opportunity follow so quickly. Had you told me entering the off-season that the Bulls would just wind up with Boozer, I'd have considered that a failure. I do not blame the Bulls for what happened in Miami. I think they did everything possible to make Chicago a very attractive desination for free agents.

While it seemed LeBron, Bosh, and Wade have decided to play together years ago. From the ashes of those failures rise a second chance. Carmelo Anthony wants to play in New York or Chicago. While it takes two to tango, lets hope the Bulls don't have two left feet. Outside of trading Derrick Rose you do what it takes to get this done.

Trading Noah would be a huge step backwards for this season. He is not a franchise center. You could find another Noah before you could find another top 5 NBA talent to pair with Rose.

Imagine this 2010 starting lineup...

PG - Derrick Rose
SG - Ronnie Brewer
SF - Carmelo Anthony
PF - Carlos Boozer
C - Joakim Noah

I personally don't think you have to trade Noah to get this deal done. Because what other options do the Nuggest have? They've made it pretty clear they don't want to get nothing for Anthony. So take a look at what other teams can offer. Deng is the best player available. The issue is his contract. That's why you offer Taj Gibson, James Johnson, or 1st round picks. Combine it however you need to get that starting 5.

While I think Gibson will turn into a soild pro. His greatest asset is youth and potential. I don't think his stock will ever be higher than it is over the next few seasons. Unless he surpases everyone's projections for the type of player he can be. James Johnson is all potential and I'd gladly give him up.

Low 1st round NBA draft picks are unlikely to contribute heavily to this team anytime soon. If the Nuggets get Noah they will also likely have to agree to a new contract before the deal can occur.

At the end of the day Noah will likely help out the 2010 Bulls more so than Carmelo Anthony. He's the center we need to compliment Boozer. When you have a chance to get a top NBA talent at age 26 you do it. In the long run the ceiling for the Bulls will be that of a championship. So I'm begging and pleading with the Bulls brass. This time hit the grand slam.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Evolution of a killer

The 2006/2007 NBA season saw the Chicago Bulls come one win shy of 50. Many saw the stock of the Bulls going up after a 49-33 win season. Chicago managed to sweep a bad Heat team in the first round. While they lost to a good Detroit team 4-2 in the ensuing Conference Semifinals. Loul Deng was hailed as the next NBA superstar.

That summer Bulls fans would catch Kobe-fever. Rumors were rampant that Kobe wanted to be a Bull, but only under the condition Deng remained in Chicago. This situation continued into the early 2007/2008 season. reported on November 1st that Kobe vetoed a three team deal between the Bulls, Lakers, and Kings because of Deng's involvement. This trade would have been a franchise changer, and altered the NBA landscape. A season of turmoil resulted in a disappointing 33-49 season. The Bulls stock went from going up to crashing down. Recent top draft picks Tyrus Thomas and Joakim Noah seemed like bust, and Deng never blossomed into a superstar.

Nearly half the NBA, 14 of 30 teams, get to participate in the lottery. Armed with the 9th worst record, the Bulls figured to land a top 10 first round pick. May 20th, 2008 changed everything. The Bulls unexpectedly found themselves in the final three. Your representative says a lot about your expected pick. Standing there for the Bulls in the final three was EVP-Business Operations Steve Schanwald. Somehow, someway, with a 1.7% chance the Bulls must have blackmailed lady luck, and won the lottery.

Not everyone wanted the Bulls to pick Derrick Rose. I'd imagine you'd be hard pressed to find writers that would admit "I was the guy that said take Michael Beasley." but thankfully the Bulls got it right.

It was evident right away the talent Rose possessed. The biggest complaint about the eventual rookie of the year was his willingness to give up the ball. Ben Gordon wound up taking big shot after big shot, and Rose never complained. The Bulls knew they had to take a step backwards before they could take a step forward. They did the unpopular thing and let Big Ben walk.

Early on due to injury in his sophmore season, Derrick Rose struggled. People were worried about his development. In Decemember almost-Bull Kobe Bryant was quoted as saying "Just do it." in reference to Rose and his struggles. Health would eventually find Derrick and the light would go on. Talk shifted from Noah to Rose for who'd likely make the All-Star team as a Bull. Rose eventually received the well earned honor.

It was Roses' emergence that got people buzzing about the Bulls. Suddenly they were just a superstar away from being a championship contender. This would result in the Salmons trade at the trade deadline to clear up cap space. No matter how well he played or how many big shoots he took. The mantra that Rose couldn't be the best player on a championship team never went away. This perception was especially fueled by his low key demeanor.

While his defense remained suspect. He'd come a long way from a college kid at Memphis who ate mostly junk food, gummy bears was his candy of choice, to the gym rat he is now. Lets not forget when it came playoff time Rose continued to impress. While the Bulls eventually lost to the Cavs, they had no answers for Rose. Even when they had LeBron guard him the whole game, Rose wasn't shutdown.

Despite all this people still doubted Rose had the killer within. While everyone was concerned about the Bulls clearing cap space. Rose stayed quietly in the background. He was interviewd by in June. They asked him about getting LeBron and Bosh. His response? "Just give me one of those players and I'll be all right". He wasn't gushing about the chance to play with superstars. He said "give me" one of them. That doesn't sound like anybody's Robin.

Before LeBron decided to take his talents to South Beach. There were reports Rose didn't want LeBron in Chicago. Word has it that while he texted James, Rose never reached out to beg him to come. Most upper management had their stars reach out to James. Apparently no one sent Rose a memo. According to Rose if James wanted to talk he could have just called him. As Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports put it: James needed to be courted, needed to be wooed and apparently it surprised him there was a star who wasn’t falling over himself to do that.

When the dust settled and "The Decision" was made. You didn't hear anyone on the Bulls crying. They were happy with the additions of Boozer, Korver, and Brewer. More importantly Rose showed you the killer growing within.

"I want to be that guy," Rose said Tuesday in an interview with before the start of Team USA's training camp. "I want to be the reason why the Bulls are back to what they were [during the Michael Jordan era]."

"Why wouldn't I want to be [the face of the franchise]?" Rose asked. "That's the point of playing the game. That's the greatest thing right now.

"I came to a team where they didn't make the playoffs, not for a couple of years. No one was really interested in the Bulls like that in Chicago, not like [it was during the Jordan era]. And I'm making it back [to being] exciting. I'm from Chicago, [and] it would mean a lot if I would just bring back one championship there, or even get past the first round. The city would go crazy. So for me to even bring that team back to like the old days, it would mean so much to this city."

Boastful isn't a word used to describe Derrick Rose often. Earlier this offseason he did talk up the expansion of his game. "It's there; I have a consistent 3-point shot now," Rose said. "You'll see. I just have so much confidence in my jump shot now. It's coming along so good. It's past even my expectations at this point."

Rose is a guy who likes being coached. He's one of the few players who listened to Vinny Del Negro. All indications are that Rose is greatly improving on defense. He's spending lots of time with new head coach Tom Thibodeau. Being the more complete player should give him a huge edge over Rondo for a spot on Team USA.

All of that doesn't matter if Rose can't become the superstar this team needs. Had someone like LeBron James come to Chicago, we'd still be asking that of Rose. Especially with LeBron because he's proven he doesn't want the ball. Analyze what Charles Barkley says about LeBron James, which in my opinion is 100% accurate.

"Let me just tell you this," Barkley said. "Mike and I are in 100 percent agreement on this. If you're the two-time defending NBA MVP, you don't leave anywhere. They come to you. That's ridiculous.

"I like LeBron. He's a great player. But I don't think in the history of sports you can find a two-time defending MVP leaving to go play with other people."

Now compare that with what Derrick Rose said about possibly leaving Chicago.

"I'm never [leaving]," he said, before punctuating that statement a few seconds later. "Never."

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a man who can be the best player on a championship team.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert

Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight;

As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.

This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.

Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.

The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.

There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.

You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.

You have given so much and deserve so much more.

In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:


You can take it to the bank.

If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.

Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.

Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.

This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.

But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.

The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.

Just watch.

Sleep well, Cleveland.

Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....

I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:

DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....

Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Looks like LeBron is trying to out Favre, Brett Favre. Once we got that whole NBA championship thing out of the way, it was all about King James. I'm not sure the NBA draft even happened. LeBron has been done with his free agent meetings since Saturday, but he's been busy.

Have you been to recently?

The launch date is nearing for the online home of LeBron James and you can put yourself on the guest list!

Personally directed by LeBron, the new site will keep you up to speed on his actions off the court, his focus on strengthening the community and why “It will always be about more than basketball”.

It will be interesting to see if there's a comment section on this website. Though even more recently King James has joined twitter. His account, which has been verified, is LeBron already has a staggering 207,000+ followers. In his first and only tweet he mentions Chris Paul got him to sign up.

Hello World, the Real King James is in the Building "Finally". My Brother @oneandonlycp3 gas'd me up to jump on board so I'm here. Haaaa

Tuesday night the following was reported on

LeBron James is planning to announce the team with which he will sign during a one-hour special on ESPN Thursday night, ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard has learned through independent sources.

ESPN would only confirm that active discussions for the special are ongoing. But sources tell Broussard that representatives for James contacted the network, proposing that James makes his announcement during a 9 p.m. ET special.

How does ESPN learn something about ESPN from independent sources? Regardless, at 8 p.m. local time this "primetime special" will air. I'm left pondering what kind of content will drive this hour. Plus, if he picks Cleveland I want an hour of my life back.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

World Wide Wes

William "World Wide Wes" Wesley put in his two cents about the Lebron James free agency saga. Luckily for Chicago Bulls fans, Wesley's two cents are worth a lot since he is considered to be the most influential person in the NBA. The man behind everything in the basketball world said in a quote Friday, "He's up out of there(Cleveland)" saying that all of Lebron's inner circle already knows the decision. The Yahoo article also said, "We're going to Chicago, and Chris Bosh is coming to." It's all a possibility, due to the trade of Kirk Hinrich the Bulls have two max contracts to offer so in a perfect world, James and Bosh will be calling Chicago home in about a week and a half. In the end, unfortunately, only one person knows what #23 (uh make that #6) will be doing next year. In the meantime, tune in to A Case of the Mondays on for all your Lebron Watch updates. Every Monday from 11am to 1 pm!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Captain Kirk to the Wizards!

Kirk Hinrich and the 2010 17th overall pick were dealt for what's rumored to be a future 2nd round pick. As long as the Bulls play their cards right, it could go down as one of the best trades in franchise history. Remember coming into the 2009/10 season when we were all worried that we couldn't afford one max free agent? Exporting Salmons mid-season began the dream. Now the Bulls have positioned themselves to go after not one, but two free agents from the dream class.

While LeBron is the prize--even if the Bulls wound up with lets say a Chris Bosh and Joe Johnson. That's a better team than either of them plus Hinrich, but let's not kid ourselves. We want LeBron and he should want us. Wherever he decides to go he'll be paid well, but he needs rings to secure his legacy. The one thing teams like New York and Miami had over Chicago was more cap space. They could sign LeBron and another free agent of his choosing. Would that be enough to win it all? Previously the Bulls could counter pitch that with having a great core in place, and being closer to a championship.

While the Bulls were the smart option before. Now they have to be the only choice. Who knows? Maybe the Bulls aren't done. The rumored Deng to the Magic deal doesn't seem to be picking up steam. I'd still like to see that contract moved. Bottom line it's a great day for Bulls fans. It seems like it's only a matter of time before the King arrives.